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5 Ways Attending Live Events Can Benefit Your Business

Updated: Jul 20, 2022

Attending live events is investing in your personal development and whether you are a business owner or looking to switch up your career within an organisation. Taking time to develop your skills, building your network, and sharing ideas are all a great use of your time and can be a huge benefit to your business, here is why. Of course, attending the right events is up to you! (There is a blog post idea right there!).

1. Learn new things and pick up great ideas.

Learning from the experts when they are in the room can be valuable to you. If you can find events that fit an area of your business that you want to grow, then you can take away so much value from not only the speakers but also from talking to and sharing ideas with the other attendees. I have been to live events covering content creation, networking, and talking to the media. All of which have helped me to develop my skills not only for my business but also for my clients.

2. Growing your skills helps to grow your business.

I read somewhere that people spend up to 10% of their annual salary on holidays, so how much do they spend on training? Attending live events may seem like an additional cost for your business, and it is, but if you pick the right events and do your research, talk to other people who have been, and plan your strategy the value you can take away should cover the price of the event and then some.

3. You can't get all the help you need for free.

There is a lot of information, support, free material, and training online, but I find it only takes me to a certain point and if I want to take my business to the next level then I need to invest in time with people who are experts in their field and a great way to do this is to attend live events.

4. You get to meet like-minded entrepreneurs, prospects and influencers face to face.

Going to a live event is a great way to meet new people, not only like-minded business owners but also key influencers and speakers. you might even get the opportunity to speak to them one to one and ask them the question that could change your business. Making the most of these opportunities is up to you.

5. It sends a powerful message to your prospective clients.

I do think that it shows your customers and prospects that you care about your personal development and your brand. Yes, clients will expect you to be knowledgeable in your field, but I think they will also respect the fact that you take the time to update and hone your skills as well, as I said above, they also benefit from your expanding knowledge.

A bonus is that is it fun, getting out of the house to meet people can be the revitalisation you need to get the creative juices flowing, after all, we can all get a bit tired of the long, lonely hours working from home!

I hope you enjoyed this blog post. If you want to read more I have written the following blog posts:

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